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Call the world if you please, “The vale of soul-making”,

then you will find out the use of the world

John Keats


I am a BACP registered counsellor based in Stroud, Gloucestershire.


I offer short term and open ended counselling to individual adults.

You can expect a confidential place where I will provide you with an attentive and empathic listening so that you can express what troubles you. We will also listen out and give a place for what might be more difficult for you to express.

I qualified as a counsellor with the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (BCPC). I am a registered member and follow the code of ethics of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) .

I have additional post diploma training in psychotherapy from Re-Vision (Counselling and Psychotherapy with a Soulful Perspective).

I also draw from my experience of a three year training in Somatic Experiencing (SE®) as developed by Peter Levine. This helps bring more awareness to feelings held in the body and provides ways of addressing the effects of trauma.

My continuing professional development helps me to include a life long interest in the depth psychology of C.G. Jung. I believe that this supports me in bringing a wider sense of meaning to my work with clients. Whereas some theories support us to make sense of the past, soulful/Jungian ideas offer possibilities for making sense of the future, or life as a whole.

I now specialise in seeing clients who have identified attendance at boarding school as contributing to their difficulties in life and I have attended Nick Duffell’s course “The Un-Making of Them”, a two year training in working with ex-boarders. 

How to proceed

Telephone me if you have any questions or to arrange an initial meeting. Talking to me on the telephone or meeting up is a good opportunity for you to talk about what you are looking for and for us to discuss and see how we might best work together.


These are some familiar questions that you might be interested in:


Q: How long does it take?

A: I tend to work on an open ended basis and it will really depend on what you are looking for at this time. I recommend reviews at regular intervals during our work together.


Q: How often do I have to come to see you?

A: A once a week appointment at a regular agreed time is normal.


Q: How much does it cost?

A: I charge £55 for each 50 minute session.


Q: What do I do next?

A: Telephone me and we can have a brief conversation about what you need and you can ask me any other questions. We can then arrange an initial meeting. My telephone number can be found at the top of this page. Alternatively you can  email me.